Light Your Path with Faith

Out of the Darkness

“God made Man in His image, so presumably, He has a sense of humor just like we do.”

In her joy, Sarah proclaimed, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” This is from Genesis 21:6, a testament to God’s joy in our lives.

God brings laughter into our lives through His incredible provision and the way He answers our prayers. Imagine the joyous laughter erupting when you welcome an unexpected child or land an unforeseen job or deal. This laughter results from gratitude, joy, and a direct connection with the Lord, a shared moment of understanding and appreciation.

Smiles, the refreshing fruit of laughter, reflect the joy God instills in us. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and heaven is far from humorless; it is filled with joy and laughter. The Lord shares in our laughter, sometimes with us and sometimes in our silly ways, reminding us of His playful spirit. He grants us laughter to unleash joy and to help us relax in His presence.

God, in His infinite control, grants us the freedom to laugh. It’s a loss when we fail to embrace heaven’s humor. The idea that spirituality and smiling don’t mix is a misconception; true goodness produces joy. Walking with the Lord means sharing in His laughter. Think back to the last time Jesus surprised you with joy. Remember those seemingly reckless prayers answered unexpectedly and how He smiled and said yes. Did you take a moment to laugh out loud with the Lord? Awe and laughter go hand in hand, enhancing our relationship with Him.

Celebrate God’s sense of humor with others. Don’t hold back your laughter with those you love and respect. Laughter is not just a powerful relational tool but also an essential part of our everyday lives. It’s an elixir for evangelism and discipleship and a marinade for mentoring. No one enjoys the company of those who never laugh. Don’t wait to laugh on special occasions like weddings and birthdays. Find joy in the everyday moments. Laugh daily with others and laugh out loud. Whether at a child’s school performance or a church play, laugh at their vulnerability and expressiveness. Laugh when things don’t go as planned at work or home. Laughter connects us to the Lord and each other, keeping us from taking life—and ourselves—too seriously.

Of course, some matters are no laughing business. Be sensitive and don’t laugh at someone’s pain, but don’t underestimate your ability to bring joy to others. Your laughter encourages others to laugh. Laugh at yourself, your quirks, and your life. Laughter is contagious, and sharing it is an act of love. When you laugh with someone, you love them. Christ gives us laughter as solace for our souls. We miss experiencing a significant part of Christ’s character by choosing not to laugh. Let go and laugh. Release anger and laugh. Release hurt, disappointment, false humility, and pride. Laugh because He has done great things.

The Bible says, “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them’” (Psalm 126:2).

Heavenly Father, help me to laugh more, to take myself less seriously and you more seriously, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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Walking in the light of His Love! 💗


Please share how you can have one good belly laugh daily in the comments.

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About me

Hello! I’m Donna and I’m excited to welcome you to my blog. I’m passionate about sharing my faith journey and inspiring others to draw closer to Jesus. Through my blog, I create a space for exploring God’s Word, engaging in conversations about faith, and encouraging each other to live with boldness and compassion. Let’s journey together as we strive to live lives that honor our Savior. Thank you for visiting, and I’m looking forward to connecting with you soon! Blessings!